
In this opportunity we will tell you about the possibility of downloading Collect or Die – Lite a copy that was launched some time ago by the company Super Smith Bros. and that has captivated the users who have already played it, obtaining a considerable amount of downloads and a very good acceptance. If you are interested in installing Collect or Die – Lite you will only have to click on the download link that is at the end of the note, but first, we recommend that you do not stop reading these lines to inform you about the details.

Collect or Die – Lite for Windows Phone

In this game Collect or Die (Collect or Die) is a retro-accelerated platform game in a reduced science center. The objective is simple, what you will have to do is help the stick figure to collect each coin in each test chamber or otherwise watch him die in the attempt. Of course it is not as easy as it seems, with a lot of obstacles ranging from saws and stone blocks (thwomps) to lasers and sentinels, things can get complicated quickly. This game features dynamic rag doll physics and dismemberment, 50 levels in 5 stages, variety of traps and dangers and action on impressive stick figures.

Collect or Die – Lite is available on mobile devices with a Windows Phone 10 operating system or with later versions.

Download Collect or Die – Lite

Coin, Collect or Die - Lite, Figure, Game, Platforms, Retro, Stick, Windows Phone

How to Install an Application

  • Navigate to the application’s page on our website.
  • Click on the “Download” button. The download will begin automatically, and the application file (.xap or .appx) will be saved to your computer.
  • Connect your Windows Phone to your computer using a USB cable.
  • On your phone, go to “Settings” > “Update & Security” > “For Developers” and enable “Developer Mode” to allow app installations from sources other than the Microsoft Store.
  • Locate the downloaded .xap or .appx file on your computer.
  • If you have the Windows Phone Application Deployment tool, you can use it to install the app directly. Otherwise, copy the file to your phone’s storage.
  • On your phone, open the “File Manager” app and navigate to where you saved the .xap or .appx file.
  • Tap on the file to begin installation. If prompted, confirm the installation.
  • Once the installation is complete, go to the app list on your Windows Phone. You will find the new application there.
  • Tap on the application icon to launch it.
  • If the installation fails, ensure your phone’s operating system is up to date and that you have enough storage space.
  • For applications requiring special permissions, you might need to review and accept them before the app can be installed.

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